Wednesday, 6 June 2012

Impression as a Blogger

Source: Egan, 2011

I created this BlogSpot to fulfill the criteria of an undergraduate student. Robertson (2011) noted that the educational affordances of blogs offer opportunities for students to become self-directed learners in a supportive social environment. Hence, I get the opportunity to have a greater understanding about blogging current issues or trending topics appropriately.  

Besides, enrichment of cultural knowledge is important for a blogger. As a blogger, we should understand the rules and regulations stated for blogging. This is to avoid any lawsuit or copyrights refinements later. In addition, writing or blogging based on primary ideas from originated author. Gunelius (n.d.) emphasizes a blogger should contain passion and love to their blog’s subject or topic as readers could detect the trustworthy of what the blogger speaks on.

In blogging, the content is important as well as the design. Content carries information to the readers while design attracts their attention to avoid boredom. A uniquely designated blog will gain popularity from viewers as much as the content values.


Gunelius, S n.d., Essential Requirements to Starting a Successful Blog: How to Become a Top Blogger, Guide, viewed 6 June 2012, <>.

Robertson, J 2011, ‘The educational affordances of blogs for self-directed learning,’ Elsevier, vol.57, viewed 6 June 2012, <>.  

The Scope in Advertising Industries

Source: Google Images, 2012

The highly sexual art of selling perfume

The term ‘Fragrance’ signifies the beauty of a person through scent. Fragrance is a tool that represents ones image and reputation, sense-of belonging as well as building confidences. It does not exclude in differentiating both gender. Personally, I believe that a person who uses perfume creates a good atmosphere as it shows that they have a good manner in socializing. Hareyan (2006) noted that fragrances present their wearers with an opportunity to create for themselves a virtually unforgettable personal trademark.

Source: Teran, 2012
The story of Madonna’s new fragrance ‘Truth or Dare’ brings up an issue regarding to the purpose of fragrances advertisement through sexual images. It is being argued saying why do all fragrances ads marketwise their products through sexy images or video clips which reflects women’s seducement.

Richman and Hartman (1982, p.53) declares that every media consumer is alert to ‘sex in advertising.’ Its pervasive use and misuse are constantly before us and typically elicit strong criticism. According to Blair, Stephenson, Hill and Green (2006) states that sex does catch people’s attention in advertisements, but usually without much brand cognition. However, advertisements that are sexy in nature tend to be remembered more often than advertisements that are not (Blair, Stephenson, Hill & Green 2006). 

Source: Bridezilla, 2011

Through this Fragrance issue, the rights that feminism should have was brought up too. By displaying women in this kind of situation does misuse the purpose of fragrance advertisement instead people are attracted to the appearance of the women more. In addition, the mass media had actually put a frame on women. All kinds of sexual acts are portrayed mainly from feminist. Beck (1998) proposes that mass media’s distaste for active, assertive women and the way the media portray them has turned all “feminists” into a frightening fringe element.

In a nutshell, women’s rights should be equalized and enforced in order to protect them. Besides, it could not be denied that sexually act advertisement receives higher attention. However, the brand of the product should reinforce more as compare to the reputation from the media. 
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Beck, DB 1998, ‘The “F” Word: How the Media Frame Feminism,’ JSTOR, vol. 10, no. 1, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Blair, JD, Stephenson, JD, Hill, KL & Green, JS 2006, ‘Ethics in Advertising: Sex Sells, But Should It?’ ProQuest, Journal of Legal, Ethical and Regulatory Issues, vol. 9, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Hareyan, A 2006, Benefits of Fragrances, Emax Health, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Richmond, D & Hartman,T 1982, ‘Sex appeal in advertising,’ Journal of Advertising, vol. 22, no.5, pp. 53-61.

Velocity of News Spread through Social Networking

Source: Bea, 2012

Kony 2012: once information goes viral, there’s no stopping it

Social networking has become one of the main motives people accessed to the internet daily. It gains a lot of popularity from the people which helps connects people, news and everything globally. The information provided fulfills the people’s needs and sometimes it has gone over limits which bring leak information. According to Pring (2012) research stating that social networking is still the fastest-growing active social media behavious online, increasing from 36% of global internet users to 59% managing their profile on a monthly basis by the end of 2011.

Recently, the ‘Kony 2012’ video has captured billions of eyes viewing this issue. It explains on the cruelness of children soldiers as slaves and being abused in Ugandan. The idea of this campaign used social media to inform public about the news which proven the strength of social media on development work and social movements succeeded (dwightronan 2012). The video news being spread all over via social media such as Facebook and Twitter which currently hold the largest population of people accessing through internet. Many critics and arguments discussed throughout the internet which attracts a lot of attention from the public. Social media also plays an important role here by which people sending feedbacks through Twitter or sharing the videos on Facebook. This causes a big issue where the internet holds a larger priority influencing others compared to the mainstream media.

Source: Dye, 2012

The interactivity and immediacy are what differentiates social media from the traditional media. Karlsson (2011, p.279) emphasizes that immediacy means that different provisory, incomplete and sometimes dubious news drafts are published...both user participation and immediacy have an impact on what is being published. It explains that bad news is always the fastest to be influenced. Users tend to trust unreliable news rather than proven facts.

To conclude, the video of ‘Kony 2012’ thrilled whole world’s attention through social media. This proves that social media is the massive key of communication. Without the growth of social media, the acknowledgement of news information would not be transferred easily to the people. 
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Dwightronan 2012, On Kony and the Use of Social Media in Social Movements, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Karlsson, M 2011, ‘The immediacy of online news, the visibility of journalistic processes and a restructuring of journalistic authority,’ Sage Publication Journals, vol. 12, no. 3, pp. 279-295.

Pring, C 2012, 100 more social media statistics for 2012, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

The watchdog role in Media

Malaysia ‘bans’ Peter Mayle book “Where did I come from?”

I personally think that Peter Mayle’s book title ‘Where did I come from?’ is a part of an education to the kids. The reason said is because young children usually love to question adults especially parents on how they come to this world. I understand that sex is a private matter and so it is even harder for parents to explain to their children. Hence, this book actually helps to despite the curiosity of the young children. Moreover, sex education today should enforce earlier to the youngsters to enhance their knowledge, thus it could reduce abortion and early pregnancy.
Source: GoogleImages, 2012

 However, due to the rules and regulations implies in Malaysia which regards anything about sensitive topics are ban to be published. According to BBC News (2012) states that Malaysia bans this book because it is proven to contain elements harmful to public morals and corrupt people’s minds. It is also reported that there is cooperation from every bookstores in the country to stop selling the book or else action will be taken either sentence to jail or fine up to 20,000 ringgit.

In the globalization world today, communication occurs through different aspect of cultural groups. The cultural context upholds in Malaysia based on Islamic beliefs differ from other countries throughout the globe. In Malaysia, any issues that connects to the exposure of immorality or sensitive issues are protected from publishing to preserve citizen’s rights. Sani (2005) establishes that the government keeps a watchful eye on the press for any stories that address race relations, religion or problems in foreign countries. This proves the censorship laws considered in Malaysia tightens the media in reporting many issues. Hughes (2006) noted that censorship basically takes two forms, namely preventive interference by the state prior to publication, or subsequent punitive prosecution, dealt with more fully under fines and penalties and lawsuits. Hence, Mayle’s book considered offense to the laws in Malaysia through the content provided.

In brief, numerous people view certain issues differently. Today, you may disagree on the act taken by Malaysia government assuming it is ridiculous but every country have its own laws to obey and to protect.
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BBC News 2012, Malaysia ‘bans’ Peter Mayle book: Where did I come from?, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Hughes, G 2006, ‘An Encyclopedia of Swearing: The Social History of Oaths, Profanity, Foul Language, and Ethnic Slurs in the English-Speaking World,’ viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Sani, MAM 2005, ‘Media Freedom in Malaysia,’ ProQuest, Journal of Contemporary Asia, vol 35, no.3, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

Media Role to Distinguish Cultural Consequences

Home Ministry reprimands The Star over supplement

Source: EwanRani, 2011

In the Islamic cultural context, ‘Fasting’ is considered as one of their moral practice or unique characteristics they beyond through years. It is an act of completely abstain from any foods, drinks, intimate intercourse and smoking (El-Ashi, n.d.). Hence, every Muslim believer was required to adopt this culture that is ongoing for a month held once in a year. It is known as ‘Ramadan’ or ‘Puasa’ which is a month of fasting where they believe it is a time for inner reflection, devotion to God, and self-control.

Recently, the Star newspaper had edited a ‘Dining Out’ supplement which falls on the month of Ramadan. This has brings up a topic issue or dissatisfaction from the Home Ministry Datuk Seri Hishammuddin Tun Hussein. It is being said that The Star made a careless mistake undertaking the importance of Muslim’s fasting month. The Star being accused that the supplement is inappropriate to be shown up as it is considered as a disrespect to the Muslim during their fasting period. However, the Star has made an apology to all the Muslim and admitted that it is their faulty as well as declaring that it is a misunderstanding. The Star executive director Datuk Seri Wong Chun Wai, claims the ‘Dining Out’ supplement were meant to highlight all types of food outlets but not a Ramadan supplement as the cover page heading ‘Ramadan delight’ wrongly suggested in the Star (16 August 2011). Hence, The Star once again apologizes to the Muslim for the mistake.

The term ‘self-regulation’ is used when the private sector perceives the need to regulate itself for whatever reason-to respond to consumer demand, to carry out its ethical beliefs, to enhance industry reputation (Campbell 1999). This shows the intention of the Star as the media proposing ‘Dining Out’ supplement was to fulfill reader’s satisfaction. I believe the Star as one of the largest mainstream media knows their limitations in providing accurate information to the readers to protect their rights.

In conclusion, the ideology of this issue explains that we should respect others by acknowledging their rules to avoid conflict happen. Nevertheless, media upholds the power to influence others.    
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Campbell, AJ 1999, ‘Self-regulation and the media,’ ProQuest, Federal Communications Law Journal, vol 51, no. 3, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

El-Ashi, A n.d., Fasting in Islam, Islamic Society of Rutgers University, viewed 5 June 2012, <>.

The Star 2011, ‘Home Ministry reprimands The Star over supplement,’ 16 August.

Sunday, 8 April 2012

Alteration of Screen vs. Print Design

Reading through screen is disturbing as there are many interruptions from other sites. However, readers tend to read faster in print text, there are no direct distractions since wordings occurred only. According to Mucciolo (2009) indicated that, ‘electronic documents are subject to a person’s technology and readers with different computers will be looking at the same content differently...However, print recipients will see things exactly in the same way...,’.

The pictures below are the examples of magazines page and website images:

            Website content page

                      Magazine content page

As we could see above, the screen documents have quick links accessed to related topics. Walsh (2006) mentions that ‘internet sites vary in the modes they use, but they have the potential to combine words and images in complex structures with logos, menu bars, hyperlinks, etc’. It is designate to assist the readers learning, to attract and to maintain interest with the layout decorations (Walsh, 2006).

These are the differences between print vs. screen documents through Nielson’s theory of Print Design vs. Web Design (1999):

      1)      Dimensionality
Print design:-
*2-dimensional, with much attention paid to layout.

Screen Design:-
*1-Dimensional and N-Dimensional
*a scrolling experience

      2)      Navigation
Print Design:-
*mainly consists of page-turning which is limited

Screen Design:-
*users able to ‘look and feel’ in the website
*guide users to learn and search for extra resources through links
This was supported by Nielson’s theory of Writing Style for Print vs. Web (2008):

Narrative vs. Actionable Content
Print Design:-
*spice up linear narrative with anecdotes and individual examples
*narrative exposition calls for well-crafted

Screen Design:-
*users need actionable content, to view other resources
*information carrying key-words

In conclusion, both readings design are still practising today. However, screen design is assumed to be a better choice as it fits to the technology world today and it is more convenient to the readers with the provision of extra information or knowledge.

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Mucciolo, T 2009, ‘Print vs. Screen,’ MediaNet, viewed 6 April 2012, <>.

Nielson, J 1999, ‘Differences between Print Design and Web Design,’ Alertbox, viewed 6 April 2012, <>.

Nielson, J 2008, ‘Writing Style for Print vs. Web,’ Alertbox, viewed 6 April 2012, <>.

Walsh, M 2006, ‘The Textual Shift: Examining the reading process with print, visual and multimodal texts,’ Australian Journal of Language and Literacy, vol.29, no.1, pp. 24-37.

Thursday, 5 April 2012

The Emergence of 'New' Media.

2 d)
The emergence of new media in our generation is growing rapidly that makes changes to the communication world. For instance, we are surrounded with the convenience of communicating through social media such as YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, BlogSpot and more. These are all the tools to communicate easily with various people as compared to the old media which could only communicate with one-to-one communication. 

Both of the picture illustrated is an example of ‘old’ and ‘new’ media:

As we know, the social networking today is well-known as the main communication function. The society relies on all the social media to get interacted with others either in short or long distances. It is also one of the advantages which we could easily get connected with each other within a short period of time like few minutes while ‘old’ media need a longer time like days to reach.

Personally, I would choose Facebook as the communication tool to replace the old media world. It is a social media tool where people get connected daily. As Naughton (n.d.) claims that ‘ownership of the means of cultural production has passed from those who could afford their high capital cost in the old ecosystem to just about anyone who has a computer, some appropriate software and an internet connection’. This has examines that ‘new’ media ‘Facebook’ evolves in the tradition media where it could be modify as an advertising, journalism or marketing tools to reach their audience.

In conclusion, the evolution of ‘new’ media era has overcome the sequence of ‘old’ media. It replaces all the ‘old’ media techniques by improving the usage with more convenient ways. It also helps the society to have an easier life and gets updated easily to the world.

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Naughton, J (n.d.), ‘Blogging and the Emerging Ecosystem,’ viewed 5 April 2012, <>.

   'Old' Media
~tradition social media
~such as Newspaper, Radio, Television...

Saturday, 24 March 2012

Blogging Community

Recently, the term of ‘online community’ implied a community who interacted online within some bounded set of technologies (White, 2006). Blogging communities are created for the users to have shared information or ideas in between the social connection provided. According to Kinkeldei (2007) indicates that ‘Blog communities carry the idea of a social network at their root, in the sense that they strengthen communication and connections amongst different groups of people with a similar mindset’.

Ways to create blog communities by Yaro Starak- The Blog Traffic King (2006)
·         Create a mentoring program where your more experienced readers help out the newbies.
·         Invite readers to submit something for review and have your community leave comments to help out.
·         Run a competition and have your community vote to decide the winners.
·         Create a group blogging project and invite all the bloggers in your industry to participate. Focus on your niche topic area in order to keep things relevant.
·         Conduct an interview of someone reasonably famous in your industry and ask your readers to submit questions to ask.

White (2006) has come out with 3 types of blogging communities:

                   i.            The Single Blog/ blogger Centric Community

  It is run by an individual which is also the blog ‘owner’ of the community which controls within rules. There may be several of authors designing and writing post to the blog but it is all under the same and only ‘one’ blog.

             ii.            The Central Connecting Topic Community

It is run by a group of people who shared the same topic or interest in the blogs which connects the members together. Both power and identity of this community is kept privately.

              iii.            The Boundaried Community

It is hosted in a single site or platform by the collections of blogs and blogs readers. Often these communities are link to the social media tools.

I would prefer the Central Connecting Community model as my choice. An example for Central Connecting Community is the ‘’ blogging community. It is a place for the bloggers and the readers to share their same interest and topic through this community.

Kinkeldei, B 2007, ‘Forging connections and Promoting growth Through Blog Communities’, 21 Publish, viewed 24 March 2012, <>.

Starak, Y 2006, ‘How to Create a Community at Your Blog: Blog Traffic Tips Weekly Newsletter’,, viewed 24 March 2012, <>.

White, N 2006, ‘Launching a New Paradigm for Online Community?’, Blogs and Community, viewed 24 March 2012, <>.

Friday, 23 March 2012

Analogy of Taxonomy Blogs & Preferred Bloggers Contrivance

          Blog-taxonomy is a review on organizing blogs specifically for two types of readers on the internet which are the human and search engines.          
According to the Media Report entitle ‘A Taxonomy of Blogs’ published on 25th September 2008, an Australia freelance journalist, Margaret Simon’s has declared what ‘blog’ means.
There are 9 different types of blogs classified by Margaret Simon’s through various online pages.
 Ø  Pamphleteering Blog
 Ø  Digest Blog 
 Ø  Advocacy Blog
 Ø  Popular Mechanics Blog
 Ø  Exhibition Blog
 Ø  Gatewatcher Blog 
 Ø  Diary Blog
 Ø  Advertisement Blog
 Ø  News Blog
 Each and every type of the blogs above is clearly annotated through the interview. For instance, Diary Blog and the Advertisement Blog are the common blogs that bloggers and readers favourite. Moreover, political issues blogs such as the Pamphleteering Blog and Advocacy Blog are apparently differentiated.

On the other hand, Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere in 2011 report has stated the evolution of blogging rapidly increasing as compared in the year of 2010. According to Technorati (2011) report, it is investigated based on the interest and justification of blogging.
Technorati’s blog is differentiated into 5 categories based on the result shown.

v  Hobbyists
v  Professional Full-Timers
v  Professional Part-Timers
v  Corporate
v  Entrepreneurs

The highest percentage of bloggers categorised in is the Hobbyist which is also known as the backbone of the blogosphere which represents 60% of the respondents in the survey conducted (Technorati, 2011). These bloggers mainly blogs for ‘personal musing’ as they tend to express their feelings and thoughts through blogging. It is also to exhilarate their personal satisfaction. Furthermore, the remaining four types of bloggers focused on the income based as they get paid for it.

In comparison of both the authors Simon (2008) and Technorati (2011) through blogs classification, I would prefer Simon’s scheme. This is because Simon’s technique of blogs classification is easier to apply and recognize. As compared to Technorati’s blogosphere, there is limited space to understand the whole concept of blogs. Moreover, the format portrayed by Simon is in a spoken language which is simpler to absorb the meanings behind it. In contrast, Technorati’s uses research form to present which will have a need to digest the investigation thoroughly.  

Simons, M 2008, ‘Toward A Taxonomy of Blogs’, viewed 23 March 2012, <>.
Technorati 2011, State of the Blogosphere 2011, Australia, viewed 23 March 2012, <>.

Sunday, 18 March 2012

Blogging Issues

 2 a)     
       Nowadays, people are used to online networking to complete tasks in various ways such as blogging. This is a research from Technorati’s State of the Blogosphere in 2011 chronicle.  
The appearance of blogosphere distinguishes the interest and satisfaction or income supplementary as well as a tool to advertise and communicate. In addition, hobbyist stands the highest percentage of blogging reasoning as compared to others. They are popular to share their experience expertise personally. Most of the people aim to blog for personal musings rather than on business and technology used like entrepreneurs and corporate bloggers.
Overall, United States holds the highest percentage of bloggers worldwide. Bloggers used social media such as Facebook or Twitter to access their blog to capture society’s attention and interest. As Naughton (2006) claims that media environment is a need to survive and develop. Hence, most of the hobbyist or especially the entrepreneurs used media to receive information and feedback from what they have blogged.
Moreover, blogging is beneficial when it is in proper usage. For instance, Professional part-and-full-timers and corporate bloggers stated blogging as their primary income including as a job supplier. It is proved in the research stated there is 37% of professional part-and-full-timers blog for income sources (Technorati, 2011).  While Entrepreneurs blog for the usage of attracting clients towards their businesses. (2008) defines that in collaborative communities the creation of shared content takes place in networked. This explains the importance of a blogger having a reader to complete the cycles of blogging issue. 
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Naughton, J, Blogging and the emerging media ecosystem, United Kingdom, viewed 18 March 2012, <>.
Produsage.ord 2008, Produsage: An introduction, viewed 18 March 2012, <>.      
Technorati, 2011, State of the Blogosphere 2011, Australia, viewed 18 March 2012, <>.

Blogging Aspiration


The intention of my blog is to have a clearer understanding on the publishing affair and the themes of designated concepts to capture attention and concentration. It is the creation of ideas with variety of formations such as colours, tone, music, text font and so to the audience. (48 words)